Hay también otra alternativa pero no hablaremos de esa en este tutorial: Otra Alternativa:

Desde el sudo pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client oauth2client progressbar2

cd youtube-upload-master
sudo python install
cd youtube-upload-master
PYTHONPATH=. python bin/youtube-upload ...

Create an account on the Google Developers Console
Create a new project for this app
Enable the Youtube API (APIs & Services -> Enable APIs and Services -> Click 'ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES' top right). Select 'YouTube Data API v3'
Create OAuth consent screen (APIs & Services -> OAuth Consent Screen)
Add a test user. This can be any Google User account but it should correspond with the Youtube account where videos will be uploaded.
Create Credentials (APIs & Services -> Credentials -> click 'CREATE CREDENTIALS'), select 'OAuth client ID', select 'Web application'
Add an 'Authorized redirect URI' of 'http://localhost:8080/oauth2callback'
Download the client secrets JSON file (click download icon next to newly created client ID) and save it as file client_secrets.json in the same directory as the utility e.g.
  • Abrí la consola de Google.
  • Creá un proyecto.
  • Ingresá a APIs & auth -> APIs
  • En menú de arriba: Activá (Enabled) API(s): Enable all Youtube APIs.
  • APIs & auth -> Credentials.
  • Configurá OAuth consent screen
  • Creá un Client ID: Agregá credentials -> OAuth 2.0 Client ID -> Other -> Name: youtube-upload -> Crear -> OK
  • Andá a OAuth consent screen y debajo de Test users dale a agregar usuarios.
  • Descargá el JSON desde “OAuth 2.0 client IDs”. Guardá el archivo.
  • Usá ese JSON como tu archivo de credenciales:
$ youtube-upload \
  --title="A.S. Mutter" \
  --description="A.S. Mutter plays Beethoven" \
  --category="Music" \
  --tags="mutter, beethoven" \
  --recording-date="2011-03-10T15:32:17.0Z" \
  --default-language="en" \
  --default-audio-language="en" \
  --client-secrets="my_client_secrets.json" \
  --credentials-file="my_credentials.json" \
  --playlist="My favorite music" \
  --embeddable=True|False \
--privacy (public | unlisted | private)  
--publish-at (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ)  
--location (latitude=VAL,longitude=VAL[,altitude=VAL])  
--thumbnail (string)